10 Summer Maintence Cleaning Tips

It's been a hot and humid summer, and you know you should clean but don't know where to start. Fortunately, we've compiled a list of basic summer cleaning suggestions to ensure that housekeeping is the last thing on your mind. These sensible summer home maintenance ideas keep your home operating, your air conditioning circulating, and you relaxing on vacation without worrying about returning to a mess.

#1: Clean The Air Conditioner's Filter

This is most likely the most crucial item on this list. An air conditioner that is blocked with dust and filth may not perform properly or, worse, may break, leaving you extremely uncomfortable in the summer heat. Simply use warm soapy water or a vacuum cleaner to clean the filter.

#2: Wash And Reverse The Fan

Dusty fans exacerbate the symptoms of seasonal allergies and hay fever. Fans will continue to distribute dust and pollen as they rotate if not properly cleaned. While you're cleaning the fan, reverse the direction of the blades to counterclockwise. This method forces cold air downward, thus saving you money on energy bills by increasing the efficiency of your air conditioner.

#3: Clean The Windows

Take advantage of the nice weather by cleaning your windows in the morning. It's far better to do this now than in the dead of winter! If you haven't cleaned your windows in a while, use soapy water and a sponge instead of window cleaner. You may need to brush vigorously to remove the dirt.

#4: Scrub The Window Screens

This is especially important in the summer, when your windows are open more and the humidity encourages mold growth. Take the time to clean your window screens so you can breathe easily and enjoy the fresh air.

#5: Clean Out The Refrigerator

Bacteria grow faster in hotter climates, even in the refrigerator. Take the time to clean out your refrigerator, cleaning it with gentle antibacterial soap and throwing out anything expired or moldy. This is especially crucial during fruit and vegetable season; consider investing in a food-grade cleanser to wash your produce and eliminate any nasty bacteria that may be lurking, such as salmonella.

#6: Make The Terrace A Wonderful Location To Spend Evenings

Patios are ideal for barbecuing and relaxing with family and friends. However, to make the patio a truly pleasurable environment, remove moss and lichen with a brief spritz of a bleach/water mixture or soda crystals. Both natural ways will kill and dry up the lichen, leaving you with the simple task of raking the patio clean and enjoying your newly remodeled outdoor space.

#7: Empty The Freezer

This cleaning task is not only beneficial, but it will also keep you cool! Keep this for a hot day. Place all of the ice cubes in the clean sink. Put all of the frozen foods in the sink, covered with ice, to keep them cold while you clean the freezer. Remove the accumulated frost using a car ice scraper and some hot water. Any slow-moving liquid spills should be cleaned up. Turn your attention to the frozen foods now. Throw away anything that has visible evidence of freezer burn, such as grayish-brown patches and thick layers of frost. If anything is open, it's probably preferable to get rid of it.

#8: Clean Out The Garbage Disposal And Drain

Food rots faster in the warmer summer months, and odors fester more easily. It is critical to clear up your drain and garbage disposal to ensure that no food is caught and generating unpleasant odors in the summer humidity. Pour baking soda followed by vinegar into your drain, allowing it to bubble for five minutes, and then following with boiling water to naturally clean it without getting your hands in the garbage disposal. Repeat as needed, about every two weeks, to keep odors at bay.

#9: Sweep And clean Counters On A Daily Basis

Unfortunately, this is the season for ants and other creepy crawlies. The warm, humid weather is ideal for all kinds of bugs that you definitely don't want to let into your home. Remove the creepies' food source by wiping the counters and sweeping the floors every night. These tiny practices pay off big time by keeping bugs away from your messed-up leftovers.

#10: Check For Leaks

This is especially crucial in the summer, when you'll be utilizing your hose and outside faucets more frequently! An uncovered leak might cost you a lot of money in unexpected costs when your water bill arrives at the end of the month. Examine your hose and faucets for leaks and dampness, and perform a rapid repair with water-proof gardening tape if you find any.


These summer maintenance recommendations will motivate you to take care of your home over the summer and will help you have a more relaxing summer overall. We understand if you don't want to spend your holiday cleaning - call QueenBee for a periodic clean to keep your house gleaming and prevent summertime mold or bugs.

If you want more than just a standard house cleaning this summer, check out our cleaning services, which can make renting your home or vacation rental this summer stress-free! Our expert crew understands what it takes to clean and prepare a house for visitors, especially on a fast turnaround period. Whatever your needs are this summer, QueenBee can help you have a successful vacation!

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