12 Safe ways To Clean The House
One thing you may not realize is that your home contains items that are harmful to the health of your family members. The scarier thing is that you don't often pay attention and perform periodic cleaning. Cleaning needs to be handled on a regular basis to ensure that it is not harmful to our family members.

Join Queen Bee to learn the safest cleaning methods you can follow.
Clean The House In An Organized Way
It doesn't make sense to mop the house first and then dust the ceiling fan after, because you end up dusting everything all over again.
Work systematically, from left to right and from top to bottom. Start with the ceiling and walls, go down to the windows and furniture, and finish with the floor.
Sterilize Cutting Boards
In his research, American biologist Dr. Gerba found 200 times more bacteria on the cutting board than on the toilet seat.
To clean, spray with a 5% vinegar solution and leave overnight. Alternatively, it can be disinfected in the microwave on high for 30 seconds or wiped with alcohol.
Disinfect The Dishwashing Sponge
Disinfect the dish sponge in the microwave for 30 seconds a day. Dr. Gerba found that common household dishwashing sponges can contain 320 million opportunistic bacterial pathogens, enough to be able to transfer from the sponge to the eyes or mouth and cause illness.
Clean The Washer And Dryer
In a study of 50 homes, Dr. Gerba found large amounts of coliform bacteria and Escherichia coli causing diarrhea in washing machines.
When the researchers washed sterile fabrics in unbleached laundry detergent, they found that 40 percent were contaminated with E. coli bacteria. The greatest risk of germ contamination is when transferring wet laundry with bare hands into the dryer. Try using rubber gloves when washing, and disinfect the laundry bin by adding 250 ml of hydrogen peroxide instead of bleach.
Clean The Kitchen Floor With Ease
Use these homemade cleaners:
Clean The Drain In A Non-toxic Way

Chemical cleaners are extremely corrosive and dangerous, containing toxic ingredients such as lye or sulfuric acid. Even its vapor is harmful.
Instead, pour a pot of boiling water or some baking soda followed by 125 ml of vinegar down the drain weekly. Enzyme cleaners are also effective, especially in preventing clogging.
Safely Way To Clean The Toilet
For safe toilet cleaning, switch to vinegar. Spray on the toilet, then spray on all four sides of the toilet.
Alternatively, sprinkle baking soda in the toilet, wait 15 minutes, and scrub with a little baking soda on the brush.
Ways To Clean Windows Easily
- Try this homemade solution: add 80 ml of white vinegar and 1 tablespoon of dishwashing liquid to 1 quart of water. And try the following:
- Wet the window thoroughly and leave the solution on the surface for about 5 minutes.
- Use a window sponge dipped in soapy water rather than a spray bottle.
- Dry the windows: Be sure to clean any streaks of water or dirt on the windows.
- For severe dirt, try a blade and wet it with soapy water.
Clean Things You Never Thought You Would Clean
- Mattress: The main mattress is a magnet that attracts dust, causing allergies.
Wash the mattress cover in very hot water (60°C or higher) every month and wipe the top of the mattress with hot water.
- Trash: Take out trash, especially in the kitchen and bathroom. Empty the trash and empty the trash can. Scrub trash cans regularly to make sure germs don't grow.
- Shower curtains: Curtains get wet almost every day, and getting wet regularly makes them a perfect place for mold.
- Air Conditioner Filters: These filters are designed to filter allergenic dust from the air, but if they get clogged, it can be very harmful. Similar to the bottom filter of the induction cooker,
Dust With Old Wool Socks
Use a corner of a quilt or sweater. Wool creates an electrostatic attraction when rubbed on a surface. Wool dusting can remove dust without polishing or re-spraying.
Polish Silverware With Toothpaste
Apply toothpaste or rub it with a cloth. Rinse with warm water and polish with a soft cloth.
For larger trays and bowls, use a mixture of baking soda mixed with water on a wet sponge.
Homemade Toiletries
Here are some more homemade, eco-friendly, and healthy products:
Above are some items that are potentially harmful to people's health that you do not think about. You need to pay attention and clean them regularly to keep your home safe. If you have any questions or need advice, please leave your comments, and we will answer all your questions at:
QueenBee Cleaning Pty LTD
- 42A Bougainville St Forrest ACT 2603
- 3/5 Daphne close Kingswood NSW 2747
- Hotline: 1800 1 CLEAN (25326)
- Email: info@queenbeecleaning.com.au