How Is Cleaning Important To Your Office After Lockdown?
Office cleaning appears to be a simple task performed every day to keep the office tidy. However, workplace cleaning has become increasingly crucial during the pandemic, especially when the lockdown in Canberra is removed. So what is the significance of cleaning the office after lockdown?
Office cleaning to reduce the spread of COVID-19
Why do you have to clean your office as an employer?
One of the most apparent reasons to clean the office after lockdown is to decrease the possibility of infecting COVID-19. A person's breath droplets spread SARS-CoV-2. Everyone exhales fluid droplets when they breathe, speak, or laugh. Viruses, among other diseases, can be found in that fluid. The virus can spread if these droplets come into contact with a person's nose, mouth, or eyes—or if they come into touch with a surface where they can be picked up and transmitted to a person's nose, mouth, or eyes.
Some people might carry the virus without showing any signs or symptoms. Furthermore, this virus has a lengthy incubation time. Between getting infected and having symptoms, it might take anywhere from 2 to 14 days. There's one additional element that might play a role in the spread of new coronaviruses. We also know that COVID-19 cases are more common in regions with higher levels of air pollution. The coronavirus might spread further due to air pollution, or it could weaken people's respiratory systems, making them more susceptible to illness.
After a long lockdown period, your company may become a perfect habitat for the virus to spread. There is dirt in the air, many employees are returning to work, and they may be disease carriers. As a result, cleaning and disinfecting the office before reopening is a critical responsibility for any business.
Tips for you
- Identify the risks: Do appropriate and adequate risk assessments. Risk assessments should also consider various categories of employees (for example, pregnant workers) for whom additional health and safety precautions may be required.
- Put in place safeguards to reduce the dangers: To minimize the dangers, you must take all reasonable precautions.
- Hire a business cleaning company: Because commercial cleaning brings the proper equipment and knowledge to bear on the problem, it can assist in the battle against viral infections. When compared to handing an employee a sponge and soap and praying for the best, calling specialists who are prepared with the necessary equipment and knowledge may make all the difference.
Enhances everyone’s safety after lockdown
Why is enhancing employees’ safety is important?
The great majority of your workers will be worried when they return to the office after a lengthy period of living with the pandemic and being safe at home. It's understandable, given that COVID-19's adverse effects are making us afraid.
Returning to work means resuming everyday life, which carries the danger of COVID infection. Moreover, employees spend more than eight hours a day in the workplace, and they must engage with various individuals. Therefore, they will not be able to work securely if the firm does not ensure their safety throughout this critical period.
As a result, it's essential to keep the office clean, disinfected, and inform staff about the company's safety practices. In addition, it shows that the firm cares about its employees and wants them to feel comfortable returning to work.
Tip for you
- Make a guidebook for your employee's safety in the workplace: The guidebook will walk you through every action you need to take to be safe in the workplace and prevent infection. For example, it may include regulations like wearing a mask, disinfecting and monitoring temperature before entering the workplace, and sanitizing hands and touch surfaces such as desks, chairs, computers, and other such items. Also, maintain a safe distance when working, etc.
- Do not ask your staff to clean the office: You can't order them to sweep the floor, clean the windows, or disinfect the entire office since they're just responsible for their desk. Instead, allow professional cleaning services to do it. It says a lot about who you are and how you run your business if you hire professionals instead of asking your staff to clean. It indicates you aren't asking your team to deal with a situation they haven't dealt with before. It also implies that you are concerned enough to choose the best.
You now realize why it is critical to clean the office once the quarantine has been removed. Make sure you do so as soon as the Canberra offices are operational again to protect the safety of not just you but also your staff.
QueenBee Cleaning Pty LTD
- 42A Bougainville St Forrest ACT 2603
- 3/5 Daphne close Kingswood NSW 2747
- Hotline: 1800 1 CLEAN (25326)
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